Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Life they say isnt a bed of roses, day by day I couldnt agree more. There is so much more to life than we know. Mostimes I can't but wonder how it all flows, sometimes it comes most times it goes but half the time you really dnt know.( its not a poem!)

I really wish I can just place my finger on it most times, but the truth is you really just cant.
I wonder why we cnt just remain happy, avoid sickness, remain in love, experience joy, avoid hatered and just experience peace............................
This minute you are so so happy, ecstatic and just overjoyed the next its just much pain and all you want to do is just make it stop! anway I feel that's just life and we all just have to find a way to work around it and make the best of it. It sure would be easier if we could control it, but then again it could end up being DISASTROUS!

I love my God so dearly, I love my family and above all I LOVE MY LIFE!..( o.k maybe I wouldnt mind changing a thing or two about


  1. I get the feeling if everyone in the world was happy.. It'll be boring..
    And there'll be nothing on the news..
    Imagine CNN saying.. "In news today everyone in Iran is smiling happily in the aftermath of the elections..."

    Err.. I dont think so :D
