Friday, June 26, 2009

R.I.P..... M.J


It was just his "HUMAN NATURE" to do the "MOON WALK" even if there was "BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR", he would "BEAT IT",...he never cared if you were "BLACK OR WHITE" , he was just "UNBREAKABLE". His death has made many "SPEECHLESS"...M.J you know you will always "ROCK MY WORLD", we know you tried to "HEAL THE WORLD" even with your "EARTH SONG"' you made us see that "WE ARE THE WORLD" ......its so so "BAD" and "DANGEROUS" to see you "GONE TOO SOON" from all "THE LOST CHILDREN" and I we want you to know that " YOU ARE NOT ALONE".....RIP Micheal.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Shit happens....right?

What a day I just cannot wait for it to come to an end. Its been so slow, dry, boring, depressing just name it! arrrrgghhh I hate it when i feel this way, it just makes me start thinking bout stuff i'm not meant to....
I really am getting bored & tired of being on this same page of my life....yeah yeah I know, no one is gonna make it better except me, its just that its not as easy as i felt or hoped it would be....There is so much to do!, so much left undone, and so little time to get them all done.

I really want and need that change you know, its just that, going about it can be so so exhausting sometimes, and believe me it not like i am a lazy person its just that each time you take a step forward and you feel like you have been pushed five steps back at some point you just get tired of taking those steps you know? I know im not a quitter and i am not even meant to think about quitting.....but I can rest a while can't I? feeling better already( oh i love my blog, best medication so far)lol

Anyway guess i just have to keep being strong, and moving on, cos that my friend is all i can think of doing right

I love you soooo much mum even tho sometimes i mess up and you wonder if i do at all...I really do!
....and as for u!, yes u!(you know urself) it been so hard getting over you harder than I ever imagined...but i am pulling thru, I know i still love you so much, finding someone who knows and understands me like you did has been harder than i expected....its been what? two years now and the feelings are still this strong ( shit happens).......might still love but can never come back to you.....c yaa!