Friday, June 26, 2009

R.I.P..... M.J


It was just his "HUMAN NATURE" to do the "MOON WALK" even if there was "BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR", he would "BEAT IT",...he never cared if you were "BLACK OR WHITE" , he was just "UNBREAKABLE". His death has made many "SPEECHLESS"...M.J you know you will always "ROCK MY WORLD", we know you tried to "HEAL THE WORLD" even with your "EARTH SONG"' you made us see that "WE ARE THE WORLD" ......its so so "BAD" and "DANGEROUS" to see you "GONE TOO SOON" from all "THE LOST CHILDREN" and I we want you to know that " YOU ARE NOT ALONE".....RIP Micheal.

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